November 11, 2012
Let me open with an expression of awe and gratitude to the men and women who are defending or have defended our great nation. It's a cliche to say that freedom isn't free, but we are the leaders of the world because so many are willing to sacrifice so much.
We are less than a week past the 2012 election. Since I first voted at age 18 in 1976, I have a .500 average. My first candidate won, but the next three elections taught me how to lose graciously (let's not even start on 2000). So, I understand why so many people were so disappointed Wednesday morning. Yes, elections have consequences, but thankfully there were a group of geniuses who developed a system of checks and balances that keep us from swerving too far left or right. Despite the lament of so many, we're not headed for a European, socialist future.
I am amazed that we live in a land where we have peaceful elections, and seamless transitions of power. I'm also amazed that four years after putting an African American in the White House, we (at least the majority of those who voted) trust him enough to give him four more years.
So, VA is a blue state for two elections in a row. I know we're not a deep blue, more of a bluish purple, but still...
So with these thoughts in minds, and with a heavy heart for all my family suffering through the hardships and losses from superstorm Sandy, we know how blessed we are to be able to tackle our 23rd wine tour in a little over 4 years and maintain the loving and close relationship of Lo and Po. Wine on!
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