Thursday, July 15, 2010

#100 Candidates

On our recent family vacation, Diane and I took our boys (men?) to visit a handful of wineries on the way to and from NC. This was partly strategic, as we were checking out some potential candidates for our 100th winery visit. Yesterday, Diane sent out an e-mail to our 8 top choices. They are:
  • Am Rhein (my first choice but farther off the beaten path)
  • Gray Ghost (got an excellent e-mail reply)
  • Rebec (love their wine, but the atmosphere is not exactly what we're looking for for this event)
  • Potomac Point
  • Del Fosse (beautiful location)
  • Athena
  • Prince Michel
  • Unicorn

The most important factors in our decision (in no particular order) are:

  • the wines
  • the location: how far do we have to drive to get there
  • the location: how nice of a place is it to spend a day there
  • whether or not there are any events going on
  • the response we get from our e-mail

1 comment:

  1. Diane and I did a recon to Athena yesterday. We really enjoyed the winery, the owners, and the wines, but I don't think it's a great candidate for #100.
